
NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / November 7, 2022 / Southwire

Southwire, Monday, November 7, 2022, Press release picture

In October, Southwire recognized Breast Cancer Awareness Month and LGBTQ+ history month by hosting efforts across the company that provided resources and opportunities to get involved and learn more about both topics.

Southwire's Women's Network employee resource group (ERG) hosted a Trail of Hope 5K walk/run virtually and at the Carrollton Greenbelt at Hobbs Farm in partnership with Project GIFT® to raise money for nonprofit organizations that provide services for breast cancer families in local Southwire areas and funds for international breast cancer research.

"My grandmother had breast cancer and fought it twice before it metastasized. She used to walk every day, and she always started at Hobbs Farm," said Sandra Ilomaki, information technologies analyst. "Being a part of the 5k was a very emotional experience for me, not only because of my grandmother's battle with breast cancer but also because I was walking the ground, she walked every day before she passed. With Southwire raising awareness through events like this, it allows us a chance to connect and come together to support each other."

In addition to the 5K in Carrollton, Southwire facilities across the company footprint hosted events in support of breast cancer awareness with the goal of raising money and showing support in honor of those whose lives have been impacted by breast cancer. From these collective efforts, the company was able to raise more than $15,000 from this initiative during the month. These funds will be donated to various nonprofit organizations across Southwire communities that focus on breast cancer awareness and research.

"Breast Cancer Awareness Month was very important for us in Starkville due to the direct impact breast cancer has had on some of our employees," said Casey Long, plant manager at Southwire's Starkville Plant. "We raised $637.00 through donations in the Starkville Plant and Customer Service Center (CSC). We are a small piece of the breast cancer cure puzzle but want to make sure we are doing everything we can do to help."

In recognition of LGBTQ+ history month, Southwire's Allied ERG, provided resources throughout the month, bringing awareness to LGBTQ+ history and highlighting ways employees can get involved with the ERG.

"As the chair of the Learning & Awareness subcommittee within Allied, LGBTQ+ History Month is an extraordinarily important opportunity to help promote compassion, understanding and recognition in the community within Southwire," said Christine Shumay, digital marketing manager. "Throughout my life, I have been a witness to the attitudes and stigmas changing towards the community and I want to do my part to support the acceptance of all people and demystify historical assumptions."

Additionally, Southwire sponsored and partnered with the Atlanta Pride Parade and Festival in honor of LGBTQ+ history month. Participants walked in the parade and volunteered at Southwire's booth.

"Participation in the Atlanta Pride Parade on behalf of Southwire allowed me to meet and learn more about the many other LGBTQ+ allies across the organization," said Dixon Lee, insights and innovation manager at Southwire Canada. "Southwire demonstrated the importance of DEI by promoting the parade and providing an unforgettable experience to learn more about the LGBTQ+ community. It is important that we continue to build and expand a safe space for everyone to be their authentic selves and, more importantly, be an ally in promoting diversity and inclusion."

To learn more about Southwire's commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, click here. For more Southwire news, visit

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Spokesperson: Southwire
Website: profiles/southwire

SOURCE: Southwire

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